Mood Tracker

August 2022

Mobile CRUD app to track emotions based on the Roberts emotion wheel.

Project TeammatesN/A

My RoleFull stack developer

ContextPersonal project

  • Figma
  • React Native
  • Firebase
  • Expo
Mood Tracker


As someone who lives with mental illness I've come across the emotion wheel (by Geoffery Roberts). My coach had me keep track of my emotions and I thought there should be an easy way of doing that.


App has basic CRUD functionality allowing users to log their emotions per day. Emotions are color coded to get an idea of recent emotions by skimming through past dates.


Prototyped on Figma.

Frontend: React Native (w/ Expo)

Backend: Firebase (Authentication, Realtime Database)

Not published on any app store, only available via downloading the apk.

get in touch

I can help you build your next website from scratch, or redesign what you already have. Reach out if you have a project in mind!

designed + coded with ♥ by Matias Huapaya