
DEC 2019

UX design for a web-app to help people choose a school or program for post-secondary education. Users get personalized recommendations and have access to a selection of mentors.

Project TeammatesAnissa Baird, Aizah Bakhtiyar, Aleashea Valentine

My RoleUser researcher, animator, video editor, and audio recorder/editor

ContextCourse project for CSC318 - Design of Interactive Computational Media

Award2nd place: IBM Design Competition

  • Axure R9
  • Lo-fi prototypes
  • iMovie
  • Logic Pro X
  • Adobe Illustrator


We developed a high-fidelity prototype over the course of the semester through iterative user testing.

Problem Space: Choosing a post-secondary education path.

Target Audience: People going into post-secondary education (high school students or more mature students)


  1. User research
  2. Low fidelity prototypes
  3. High fidelity prototypes

Final Presentation

IBM Judges:

  • Karel Vredenburg: Director, Global Academic Programs, Design
  • Sarah Esmail: User Experience Designer
  • Diana Kim: Campus Talent Acquisition Lead
top 3 teams in Competition
Top 3 teams, judges, and Professor Ilona Posner

get in touch

I can help you build your next website from scratch, or redesign what you already have. Reach out if you have a project in mind!

designed + coded with ♥ by Matias Huapaya